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Shared Vision for Maths

To encourage our children to become lifelong mathematicians by equipping them with a set of key skills and developing an inquisitive mindset that inspires them to be the best that they can be.

We have an agreed calculation policy that is shared with parents to enable them to support their child’s learning and with homework.

Useful Maths Websites


Snappy Maths

BBC Bitesize Key Stage 1 

BBC Bitesize Key stage 2 


Street Lane Multiplication Passport 

Want to practise at home in order to reach your next destination? Find practice tests here.

London Test    Rome Test New Delhi Test Ottawa Test
Paris Test Berlin Test Beijing Test Washington Test
Brussels Test Athens Test Tokyo Test Brasilia Test
Madrid Test Cairo Test Canberra Test  


Still building towards your passport? Find the times table build up tests here.

Two Times Table Build Up
Five Times Table Build Up
Ten Times Table Build Up


Maths Learning and Events

Owl Class Place Value Games in Maths - Autumn 2024 


Year 5 and 6 Exploring Numbers up to 1,000,000 Autumn 2024


Ratio with manipulatives Summer 2024

Maths - Using place value counters for division Spring 2024

This half term we have been working on multiplication and division methods and were practising using manipulatives to help us with these methods.


Peacocks class using manipulatives to explore factors:

Number Line Activity September 2023

Owl Class had a go at ordering themselves into number lines.

 Measures in EYFS - April 2023

  We have been finding out about weight and capacity this term. We enjoyed finding the capacity of   different containers by comparing the amount of water each container held. We used the mathematical   language of full, empty, half full, nearly full/empty. We all got a bit wet playing in the water - it was lots of   fun! 



Number Bonds March 2023

In the Duckling class we have been practising different ways to partition numbers and learn our number bonds to 5. 


Playing place value games with manipulatives Owl Class -January 2023

Counting in the Ducklings Class - Nov 2022



During this first term in school, our Ducklings have been learning to represent numbers to 10 in many different ways. We have practised careful counting, making sure that we point to each object and we are now moving onto ordering numbers and exploring one more than.

Y3/4 Maths – Place Value – September 2022

Owl Class have been using manipulatives to consolidate their place value work.


To put some of our place value skills into practice Owl class created their own number line. The year 4s then had to round their numbers to the nearest 10 and 100.



Y1/2 Maths – Place Value – Comparing and Sorting Groups – September 2022

This week in the Puffin classroom, the children have been using visual objects (cubes and counters) to consolidate and deepen our understanding of comparing and sorting groups. 


Y5/6 Maths – Place Value Counters – September 2022

To consolidate and deepen our understanding of the formal written methods for addition and subtraction, Peacock Class used place value counters to model the steps in solving the calculations.



World Maths Day 2022

To celebrate World Maths Day the Ducklings and Parrots class explored Mathematics in stories. The Ducklings read the story Rosie’s Walk and practised using the different positional language in the book by making our own farm using the den building equipment. We crawled under the bee hives, jumped in the pond, walked around the haystack and in front and behind the hen houses. We had a lovely time learning in the sunshine! 

The Parrots read ‘How Many Seeds are in a Pumpkin?’ This story has lots of Maths in it so we talked about size, capacity, estimating, grouping and counting in steps of 2, 5 and 10. The children practised grouping objects and then counting in steps of 2, 5 and 10 to find the total.




March 2022 – Year 6 – Area and Perimeter with Starbursts!

To practise finding the area and perimeter of compound shapes, year 6 worked with a partner using starbursts to create their shapes. They used different colours to show how the shape can be partitioned. They then drew and labelled their shapes using cm2 paper and found the area and perimeter.

Tough Ten with the Parrots

Our Year One children have been learning about place value to 50 and are now feeling really confident with recognising different representations of numbers to 50. During our Tough Ten time we practised counting tens and ones and matching the amount to the correct numeral representation using a game on the I-Pads. Some children even challenged themselves to match numbers to 100. Well done everyone!


Number Day in Owl Class

Owls spent the first part of number day playing some maths board games against each other. These were focused on some of the maths skills we had practised recently in our lessons. It got extremely competitive!



Puffins – Number Day!

This Tuesday, the Puffins celebrated Number Day by using the outdoor tyres from our den building objects to divide by 2, 5 and 10. We really enjoyed this.


Peacocks – Circles

As part of our geometry work, Peacock class learnt about the parts of a circle before learning how to use a compass to draw different circles, semi-circles and sectors with specified measurements.

Owls playing games during maths lessons! – January 2022

Owls used their knowledge of place value to participate in games ordering 3 and 4 digit numbers. They also used a random number generator to try and form the highest and then the lowest number possible.



Reception Maths- Spring term 2022

Repeating patterns
Ordering numbers 


Magic Maths- March 2021

Owl Class looked at tessellation of geometric shapes before designing and producing their own. Here are a few examples.



Key stage 1/EYFS Maths morning