Meet the Governors

Head teacher
Category of governor: Ex Officio
Appointed by: Full governing body
Term of Office: 1/6/13 -
Other committees served on: none
Declaration of business interests: none declared

Chair of Governors
Category of governor: Chair
Appointed by: Full governing body
Term of office: 22/9/24 - 21/9/28
Other committees served on: None
Declaration of business interests: none declared
Responsibilities: Assessments, SEND, LAC, Pupil Premium
Personal Statement: We joined the Street Lane family in September 2018 when my daughter started in reception. I work in HR and having worked in the private sector for 15 years I moved over to the public sector in 2019 in order to improve my work life balance. Within my role I have to deal with a wide range of scenarios and be able to offer advice and support to people who don’t always know what the appropriate next steps are. I was really proud to be come a ‘Mental Health First Aider’ back in January 2019.
Its not an easy task working full time, juggling my husbands shifts and a daughter who has a busy social life however it has meant that I have transferred the organisational skills I use in my working life into homelife - not always successfully, admittedly.
As a family we enjoy spending time together – we love trips to the cinema and film nights with pizza at home. My husband and daughter are also keen cyclists and they go off for miles while I get on with a good book. We started doing a lot more gardening in 2020 and we are very proud of our purple sprouting broccoli and a particularly grand blueberry bush – I’m still not sure if its little fingers or the birds that get all the fruit.

Staff Governor
Category of governor: Staff
Appointed by:
Term of office: 1/9/2021 - 31/8/2025
Other committees served on: none
Declaration of business interests: none declared
Personal statement:

Parent Governor
Category of governor: Parent
Appointed by: Full governing body
Term of office: 4th May 2021 - 3rd May 2025
Other committees served on: none
Declaration of business interests: none declared
Responsibilities: Foundation Subjects, RE,PHSE,Early Years
Personal Statement:
After 22 years in my previous profession, I am now in the process of changing my career towards the education sector. I have been a service training instructor, and this involved mentoring, teaching and nurturing young adults into their chosen career. I was also appointed as a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) ambassador which took me into schools to promote STEM learning and careers. In 2018 I was awarded a Women In Defence (WID) medal for my contribution and promotion of STEM within schools and colleges.
I am delighted to be a Parent governor at Street lane Primary school and look forward to contributing anything that I can that will assist in its continued success.
My interests include Outdoor pursuit activities, animal welfare and gardening.

Community Governor
Category of governor: Community
Appointed by: Full governing body
Term of office: 24th January 2023 - 24th January 2027
Other committees served on: none
Declaration of business interests: none declared
Personal Statement: Coming Soon

Community Governor (Vice Chair)
Category of governor: Community
Appointed by: Full governing body
Term of office: 24th January 2023 - 24th January 2027
Other committees served on: The Ripley Academy, John Flamsteed Community School.
Declaration of business interests: none declared
Personal Statement:
I am a retired Senior CID Officer. I have spent 22 yrs as a School Governor inc Chair of Governors at two Primary Schools, and am currently Chair of Governors at John Flamsteed Community School and The Ripley Academy. I am a 'Member' of the East Midlands Education Trust. My main hobby is Fly Fishing, and I am Chair of The English Police Fly Fishing Association.