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Our Year 3 & 4 children are taught in Owl Class by Miss Barrow. On a Tuesday afternoon, the class are taught music by Mrs Cooke and PE by Isaac. Mrs Lambley-Parkin supports the Owl's class in the afternoons.


If you need to contact your child’s class teacher, you can do this via Class Dojo or via the class email address 

Our learning 

Click here to take a look at what Owl class are learning in our 'Remember when...' theme in the Autumn term. 


Our Class Events

Science -Electricity - Autumn 2024

In Science, we have been investigating electricity. We started by grouping items according to whether or not they use electricity and then carried out some investigations using the equipment to investigate how a circuit works and to identify conductors and insulators. 

Place Value in Maths - Autumn 2024 

To help with understanding of place value, the Owl Class played number-games using place value counters.


R.E - Hinduism -Summer 2024

Whilst looking at Hinduism, Owl Class had a look at an example of a Puja tray and had a go at labelling some of the different items.

Science - Forces and Magnetism Summer 2024

Owl Class carried out an investigation identifying and classifying different materials based on their properties.

Art and Design - Cushions Summer 2024

It may have taken a while, but Owl Class have worked extremely hard at sewing and decorating some cushions. They all look fantastic! 


World Book Day Spring 2024

We had a great time celebrating this year's World Book Day. Everybody looked brilliant in their costumes and we had a fun day sharing our books both with our own class and other classes.

Maths - Using place value counters for division Spring 2024

This half term we have been working on multiplication and division methods and were practising using manipulatives to help us with these methods.

Art and Design - Slingshot cars Spring 2024

For their Art and Design project, the Owl class used a range of materials to design and create an elastic band powered car. They then had fun testing them out on the playground.

Science - Investigating how sound travels over distances October 2023

In Science this week, the Owls made their own string telephones and experimented by making observations about how sound travelled over distances.

Science -Investigating Pitch September 2023

In order to investigate pitch, Owl class listened to some different instruments before having a go at making their own pitched instrument using different sized straws.


Number Line Activity September 2023

Owl Class had a go at ordering themselves into number lines.

Owl Class Easter Bonnet Day

Thanks to all your hard work and support! We got to see some incredible Easter Bonnets today!

Pneumatic Toys - March 2023

For our D&T project this half-term, the owl class had to design and create some pneumatic toys. We based our designs on sea creatures and used a variety of materials to create the finished product before reviewing our own work.



Owl Class World Book Day -March 2023

We had fun celebrating World Book Day with some fantastic costumes!

Owl Class DT Project - Seasonal Tarts January 2023

For our food technology project the Owls were learning about the origins of different foods and the impact 'food miles' have on the environment. We talked about promoting seasonal fruits and vegetables and then used some to create a 'vegetable tart'.

Playing place value games with manipulatives January 2023


Making 3D shapes – May 2022

Our Year 3 children used polydron to create some 3D shapes.



Diversity in PSHE – April 2022

As part of our diversity topic, we looked at and addressed some of the stereotypes that exist between boys and girls. The children participated in a debate on whether children should have their own choices when choosing hobbies such as dance, rugby etc. There were some really interesting and mature responses. I was really impressed!


Easter Story – April 2022

In our RE lessons, we have been learning about how Jesus inspires Christians all over the world. We retold the story in our literacy lessons but before that the children were able to recreate it using freeze frames. 

Balanced arguments – March 2022

In literacy this week, we have been learning about balanced arguments. In today’s lesson, we held a debate on the arguments for and against wearing school uniform. I was so impressed with how the children spoke with confidence, shared strong arguments and respected one another’s point of view.


Comic Climb – March 2022

Here are some photos from our comic climb for Comic Relief Day. Once the children had started the course, they weren’t allowed to touch the ground until they had reached the safety zone.




The Passover Story – February 2022

During our RE topic this term, our question has been “Why are festivals important to religious communities?” This week we looked at why Jews celebrate Pesach every year and acted out The Passover Story. During this, we had a debate where Moses had to listen to ideas from the Israelites and the Egyptians on whether he should free the slaves. 


NSPCC Number Day – February 2022

Owls spent the first part of Number Day playing some maths board games against each other. These were focused on some of the maths skills we had practised recently in our lessons. It got extremely competitive!