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Shared Vison for Science

To plan and deliver a science curriculum that inspires and encourages our children to be inquisitive about the world.

At Street Lane Primary, we want to nurture our children’s curiosity to enable them to develop skills that are useful across learning.

We aim to put scientific enquiry at the heart of our school science curriculum.

Principles of Science

Good science is when …

  1. We feel safe to take scientific risks.
  2. Our lessons are relevant and inspiring.
  3. We are given a range of ways to explore science.
  4. Our teachers spark our curiosity and let us explore further.

Science Websites

Scientific Enquires

Science lessons cover the 5 scientific enquiries. In key stage 2, children have been taught to discuss, identify and record in their science books the enquiry type/s covered each lesson.

Science Learning and Events 

Year 5 and 6 Exploring Static Electricity Autumn 2024

Science Years 3 and 4- Forces and Magnetism Summer 2024

Owl Class carried out an investigation identifying and classifying different materials based on their properties.

British Science Week March 2024

As part of British Science week Key stage 1 children have been learning about micro habitats. Our investigation is an observation over time enquiry to find out the preferred habitat conditions of wood lice. We enjoyed collecting the wood lice in the garden area and observed them over the day before returning them back to their natural habitat.



Year 6 Science Week - Observation Over Time: What impact does daily exercise have on our fitness?

Science - Investigating how sound travels over distances October 2023

In Science this week, the Owls made their own string telephones and experimented by making observations about how sound travelled over distances.

Peacocks - Making blood to help us learn about the different components. We then used dual coding to help us retain the information in our long-term memory:


Science -Investigating Pitch September 2023

In order to investigate pitch, Owl class listened to some different instruments before having a go at making their own pitched instrument using different sized straws.


British Science Week (connections)-  March 2023

Our whole school theme was 'What influence have women in science had on life today?'. Each class explored the work of a different female scientist and carry out research and practical work linked to their class scientist' We also enjoyed a visit from a real life geologist in our whole school assembly. 




British Science Week for the Puffins

Puffins looked at Florence Nightingale and the impact she had on people during the Crimean War. The children learnt about tooth decay and the importance of looking after our teeth. The Puffins carried out an egg tooth decay experiment using eggs and different liquids (coke, vinegar, water, tea and coffee).



Making wind socks- September 2022

In Puffin class we were learning about seasonal changes. We made wind socks and are carrying out an observation over time scientific enquiry to record the wind on the Beaufort scale each week over the term.

Welcome to our newly hatched chicks!  March 2022

Reception & Key stage Forces- January 2022

In Reception and Key Stage 1, we have been having lots of fun in our forces topic this term. Take a look at our investigation where we investigated the effect of moving jelly cubes different surfaces, including oil.

Stomp Rocket POP Task

We completed our pop task today. This enabled us to discuss the forces that we knew we were applying to the bottle and how this caused the air to force the rocket into the sky. We also used our recent learning on how to ask questions, make observations and think Scientifically as we wrote about our investigation and drew a diagram. Great work everyone!

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Year 3/4 Exploring electric circuits- January 2022

In year 3 and 4 this term, we are learning about electricity in science. We were given different components and asked to work out how to make a bulb light. Then, we were asked to investigate how to make a bulb brighter. We also learnt how to draw a series circuit with a key to show the correct symbols for each component.

Key stage 2 Live Lessons for World Science Day- November 2021

Key stage 2 enjoyed learning about the coral reef in our first live lesson with EDU Encounter. We cant wait for our next live lesson for British Science Week in March 2022!

Planetarium for Reception and Key Stage 1- May 2021

We all had a wonderful morning learning about space in the planetarium! This was a great way to end our current space topic.

The pictures are a little unclear because it was so dark inside the dome.

I liked it when we looked at the constellations. Lottie Year 2

It was fun when we spotted the bear when looking at  the constellations. Max Year 2

My favourite part  was when we saw the robot on Mars! Riley Year 1

Science Week- Innovating for the Future March 2021