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Shared Vison for Literacy

To deliver an exciting, innovative Literacy curriculum which enables and empowers children’s written and oral communication and creativity.

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Our Curriculum:

At Street Lane, we recognise the importance of understanding the fundamentals of spelling, punctuation and grammar as a basis for becoming a successful writer. Through the use of Rainbow Grammar, we ensure that children are taught the grammatical terms right from EYFS. 

Click here for the progression in the teaching of grammar from Year 1 to Year 6.

Here are the SP&G posters that we use in class to support the children's understanding of the terminology:


Adverbs and Prepositions



Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions


Non-Finite Clauses



Relative Pronouns and Clauses

Semi Colons and Colons

Rainbow Grammar at Street Lane

Year 5 and Year 6

Non-finite Clauses in Year 5 and Year  6:


Year 3 and 4

The Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis- March 2023

In Literacy, Year 1 & 2 carried out reading and writing linked to the Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis. They wrote a retell and an alternative version of the story. As part of the literacy work, children created a model of the Bog Baby for a display in our book area. 


Retelling stories!

The children were looking at the book Where the Wild Things Are and loved retelling the story! The children then created their own stories with different wild things and different characters!
The Puffins had so much fun!  


Helicopter Stories in FS2

In the Duckling class we have been practising our independent writing skills through our 'Helicopter Scribed Story' sessions. The children can come and tell a story to the adults and the adult  will then write it down (word for word!) in our special Helicopter Story book. The children are encouraged to participate in the recording of their story by having a go at writing any words that they feel they can write phonetically. The children then get chance to 'act out' their stories with their friends! This is a great way to develop children's language and story telling sequencing as well as the chance to practise their performance and role-play skills! 



Ducklings Getting Ready to Write!

Our new Ducklings have already started getting ready to be great writers! They are all enjoying daily Dough Disco to encourage movement and dexterity in all fingers and have also been practising gross motor movements using our flipper flappers. The Ducklings have then been practising making horizontal and vertical lines and anti-clockwise circles to get ready to write some recognisable letter shapes. Well done Ducklings- your journey to becoming amazing writers has begun!



Peacock Class – The Highway Man by Alfred Noyes

As part of their ‘Crime and Punishment’ topic, Peacock Class have begun studying the poem ‘The Highway Man’ by Alfred Noyes. In order to deepen our understanding of the poem and prepare for our writing, we carried out a CSI style investigation in to the deaths of Bess and the Highway Man. We then held our own court case acting in role. All children took on a role as either a character from the text or a member of the court. The jury then had to reach a verdict on who was guilty for the death of Bess.